Skype For Business Logs Stored On Mac
Skype for Business conversation history Where is the conversation history that the Skype for Business app shows stored? I thought it was a view on the conversation history folder in Outlook, but I have a user who has deleted conversations from Outlook and they still appear in SfB even after a restart.
This article describes how to do a clean uninstallation of Microsoft Skype for Business on Mac.
To cleanly uninstall Skype of Business on Mac, follow these steps:
Log on to your computer by using administrative credentials.
Exit Skype For Business on Mac if it's running.
Drag the Skype For Business on Mac application to the Trash.
Remove existing Skype preferences if those hidden files exist. To do so, run the following commands in a Terminal:
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- sudo rm -rf /Applications/Skype for
- sudo rm -rf /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/MeetingJoinPlugin.plugin
- defaults delete true
- rm -rf ~/Library/Containers/
- rm -rf ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/Skype for Business_*
- rm -rf ~/Library/Saved Application State/
- rm -rf ~/Library/Preferences/
- rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/CrashReporter/Skype for Business_*
- rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/*
- rm -rf ~/Library/Cookies/*
- sudo rm -rf /private/var/db/receipts/*
- rmdir ~/Library/Application Scripts/
- find -f /private/var/db/BootCaches/* -name '*' -exec sudo rm -rf {} +
In the Applications/Utilities folder, open Keychain Access.
In your logon keychains, delete Skype for Business.
More Information
If you plan to reinstall Skype for Business on Mac later, you can download the program.
Third-party information disclaimer
The third-party products that this article discusses are manufactured by companies that are independent of Microsoft. Microsoft makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, about the performance or reliability of these products.
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