Divide Et Impera Rome 2 Guide
2.1K Multiplayer; 5.1K Balancing; 5.1K Balancing Discussions; 12 Balancing Results (Moderated) 3.8K Feedback & Suggestions; 204 PTE Beta Feedback; 10.8K Total War: WARHAMMER Support; 375 WARHAMMER Support Forum; 5.9K WARHAMMER II Support Forum; 2.5K Total War: ROME II; 37.8K General Discussion; 47 Community Content; 60 Multiplayer; 863 Rome II. Total War: Rome II Rise of the Republic Roman Faction Guide Step 1: Protect Your Home Province. Step 2: Hold Off the Enemy While You Prepare For War. Step 3: Break Out And Kill Veii. Step 4: Prepare the Steamroller. Step 5: Divide Et Impera.
These Legions however are offered at the whim of the Senate and if a Consul acts contrary to the will of the Senate then the Legions under their command can be removed. The Senate need not concern itself about the Consular Legions, since their draft lasts only for a year, and once their terms are up, the legion will disband on its own regardless to the wishes of the Consul in command. This date for disbandment is set on the first of March, the first month of the Roman calendar.Roman Consular legions in Divide et Impera have a usual strength of 5,100 men. Each Legion was organized into ten cohorts individually made up of a maniple of sixty triarii, one of one hundred and twenty principes and two hundred and forty hastati. Which maniple was divided into two centuriae commanded by a Centurion. The Roman legion was supported by a force of 300 equites or medium cavalry. This battle formation was further reinforced by a force of 300 rorarii, which were held behind the triarii as a reserve for the elites, while 300 accensi filled in the roles of the lighter hastati during the period of a campaign. The size of a legion can be expanded from the usual 5,100 by increasing the number of maniples in the legion at the request of the Senate. The maximum size seen is usually around 6,000 men.
alae sociorum
alae sociorum (sing. ala) are contingents of troops around the size of a Roman legion which are required to be supplied by Rome's socii. Precisely each alae sociorum when required to be called up will furnish a total of 5,000 infantry divided like the Roman legions into maniples, along with a total of 900 medium cavalry. As discussed earlier, for each Roman legion formed an ala must be provided by Rome's socii and since few Italian communities are capable of furnishing an entire alae sociorum these formations are typically formed of multiple nationalities. In each army committed under of Roman Consuls, a force of socii bodyguards are to serve alongside the commander of the army. The infantry of this bodyguard are known as pedites extraordinarii while the cavalry is known as the equites extraordinarii, these two units are mobilized into two maniples. The alae sociorum expect to get a part of any loot which is won during campaigns and some have become accustomed that after long campaigns the officers of the alae sociorum would receive Roman citizenship, or an upgrade to the status of ius Latini.
In Divide et Impera, the composition and nationality of the alae sociorum will be determined by the military moderator upon their raising by the Roman Senate, their composition will be mixed in their nationality and not uniform with each ala.
Each soldier requires 20 bushels of grain, 2.5 amphorae of wine and 0.5 amphorae of olive oil per year. A legion of 5,100 men would require 102,000 bushels of grain (2,448,000 sesterces), 12,750 amphorae of wine (255,000 sesterces) and 2,550 amphorae of olive oil (79,050 sesterces.) Using these numbers, a legion would require 2,782,050 sesterces to keep operating each year.
This window is available under 7 key. In the first tab, taxes, you can set the tax level for the entire empire. Higher tax levels quickly fill your treasury, but also increase discontent among people. Extreme tax levels can also stop influx of people and thus expansion of your provinces.
Empire income comes from different sources. The most important one are taxes applied to the entire population and right behind them you have trade. Income from slavery is closely dependent on the amount of slaves you enslaved during your conquers (this is a simple multiplier of the base income in the provinces). In addition you can receive an annual tribute from conquered nations and rewards for completing mission ordered by the Senate.
Regular expenses include wages, maintenance of the fleet and potential tribute which you have to pay to your more powerful neighbor.
The next tab shows trade details. If you have a trade agreement with another country, you'll see here list of imported and exported resources along with their prices. Imports of construction resources is of great importance in the later stages of the game, when largest available structures will require not easily accessible resources like marble for example.
The last tab summarizes finances of the last two turns. The information available here is much more detailed as in taxes tab. You can easily see here the places where you lose money and counter these trends.
The only interactive part of this window is the ability to set tax level. This bar should be used only to reduce any rebellious moods in the entire empire by temporary decreasing taxes or to speed up the development of various regions. If you conduct extensive conquests, much more convenient way is to set taxes in newly conquered province to 0, than change tax level for the entire empire.