Vampire The Masquerade Skills
For Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines on the PC, GameFAQs has 10 FAQs (game guides and walkthroughs).
The following document lists numerous possibilities for players to choose a specialty for any given Attribute or Ability, as well as mage Spheres.
Included below are possible specialties for characters who’s Attributes exceed Level 5. This allows a superhuman being to capitalize on his natural ability. Note that if an Attribute is only at superhuman levels in certain forms (for example, a werewolf’s Strength when in Crinos form), the specialty can only apply at that time. Such specialties are listed under the Legendary lists.
Strength: able-bodied, broad shoulders, brutish, buff, bulging biceps, focus power, hearty, hulking, husky, large, lifting, long jumping, massive, mighty, powerful, puissant, ripped, rocklike fists, solid, steel grip, sustained carrying, wiry
Legendary: crushing, draconic, herculean, monstrous, titanic
Dexterity: agile, athletic, catlike reflexes, coordinated, deft, delicate, fleet-footed, flexible, graceful, gymnastic, light touch, limber, lithe, nimble, perfect balance, quick, smooth-motioned, steady, supple, sure-footed, swift, willowy
Legendary: elastic, fluid, lightning fast, rhythmic, mercurial
Stamina: aggressive, dedicated, determined, durable, enduring, forceful, formidable, hardy constitution, hell-bent, high-pain threshold, resilient, relentless, robust, stalwart, steadfast, stubborn, sturdy, tenacious, tireless, tough, unmovable, unyielding
Legendary: diamond-hard, hard-boiled, insusceptible, marathonic
Charisma: amusing, captivating, charming, classy, commanding, compelling, confidant, congenial, cultured, diplomatic, eloquent, folksy, genial, gracious, gregarious, inspiring, irresistible, magnetic, outgoing, pleasant, regal, rustic, savoir-faire, sensual, smooth, sophisticated, sweet, trustworthy, urbane, well-mannered, winsome
Legendary: exalted, rapturous, saintly, sublime, unearthly
Manipulation: blarney, bravado, calculating, charming, conspiratorial, controlling, crafty, cunning, deceitful, devious, double-talker, eloquent, expressive, forked tongue, glib, influential, ingratiating, legalese, logical, Machiavellian, maneuvering, patient, persuasive, remorseless, resourceful, scheming, silver-tongued, slick, sly, smooth, sophist, subtle, tactful, underhanded, witty
Legendary: ambrosial, devilish, irrefutable, punctilious, puppeteering
Appearance: alluring, beautiful, bold demeanor, captivating, comely, cuddly, curvaceous, cute, delightful, dignified, erotic, exotic, fragility, glamorous, gorgeous, handsome, honest face, hot, imposing, innocent, inspiring, look of the eagles, luminous, noble, pleasing, pornographic, pretty, provocative, roguish, seductive, sensual, sexy, shapely, slinky, striking, stunning, stylish, wild
Legendary: ageless, apollonian, bewitching, divine, dreamy, immaculate, jaw-dropping, terrifying
Perception: apprehensive, astute, attentive, canny, clueful, detail-oriented, discerning, empathic, feral, insightful, instinctive, intuitive, keen-eyed, observant, paranoid, patient, probing, sensitive, sharp hearing, vigilant, visionary, wary, watchful
Legendary: clairaudient, clairvoyant, enlightened, presentient, umbrageous
Intelligence: analytical, astute, bookworm, brilliant, calculating, clear thinker, cognitive, creative, discerning, discriminating, erudite, genius, innovative, inventive, knowledgeable, logical, plotting, pragmatic, rational, researcher, resourceful, sagacious, savvy, scheming, scholarly, scientific, sharp memory
Legendary: fertile-minded, labyrinthe, omniscient, utopian
Wits: apt, calculating, clear-headed, clever, combat nerves, creative, direct, extemporaneous, flexible, free association, impulsive, instinctive, insults, jumpy, levelheaded, one step ahead, practical, quick, reactive, resourceful, sharp, shrewd, skillful, spontaneous, survival, wily
Legendary: adroit, pre-emptive, supercomputer, unconscious
Talents (Primary)
Alertness: ambushes, bodyguarding, crowds, danger sense, forests, noises, paranoia, point guard, search, spectres, streets, traps, vigilance
Athletics: acrobatics, aerobics, bicycles, body building, climbing, general fitness, running, swimming, team sports, track & field, tumbling, any specific sport
Awareness: animals, aura reading, byways, dragon (ley) lines, dragon nests (nodes/caerns), haunted houses, spirits, talismans, true jade, the undead
Brawl: armlocks, body slams, boxing, disarms, dirty fighting, fancy fighting, grappling, gratuitous violence, kicks, knights, multiple opponents, on home territory, punches, showing off, sparring, wrestling
Dodge: blocks, finding cover, dive, duck, flips, leap, multiple opponents, running away, sidestep, slippery
Empathy: backgrounds, deep motivations, emotions, family problems, fears, love connections, personalities, spirits, truths
Expression: after-dinner speaking, comedy, game design, impromptu, innuendo, meetings, mimicry, off-the-cuff remarks, poetry, politics, prose, rabble-rousing, radical, talk radio, (see below)
Instruction: drill sergeant, lore, metaphysics, rites of passage, traditions, university, any specific Ability
Intimidation: battle cry (kiai), icy stare, implied pain, massive property damage, military, overt violence, political, social, veiled threats
Intuition: animal instinct, discernment, dumb luck, flashes of inspiration, gambling, insightful, nose for trouble
Leadership: brainstorming, commands, compelling, dictatorial, field leadership, friendly, gain trust, long-term planning, military, noble, oration, sway opinion
Streetwise: chicken strips, drugs, fencing, finding info, gangs, nightclubs, picking pockets, slang terms, trashpicking
Subterfuge: baldfaced lying, changing the subject, diversions, false testimony, fast talk, financial scams, finding weaknesses, flattery, gossip, innuendo, intrigue, little white lies, seduction, selective omission
Talents (Secondary)
Biorhythms: breath control, circulatory system, enduring pain, fasting, fertility, total system shutdown
Blatancy: conjuring tricks, drug trips, gadgets, religious miracles, smoke screens
Bribery: bureaucrats, inspectors, open “gifts”, police, under-the-table
Carousing: anecdotes, bon mots, drinking, exaggeration, lewd jokes, sexual innuendo
Debate: informal, logic, low blow, lowbrow, morals, politics, social discourse, trivia
Diplomacy: etiquette, industry, international relationships, mediation, negotiation, personal relationships, tact
Expression (Artistic): abstract, caricature, charcoal, classical, decoration, folk art, impressionist, kinetic, lighting artist, metals, miniatures, mixed media, models, oils, photo-realism, resin, sketching, set design, stone, watercolors, wood
Expression (Oral): anecdotes, ballads, demagoguery, epics, folk tales, homiletics, inspirational, jokes, lies, proverbs, speeches, true stories, vote-catching
Expression (Poetic): blank verse, classical forms, deadlines, deathless art, editing, extemporaneous, jingles, journalism, limericks, lyric writing, novel, short fiction, scripts
Fast-Talk: confuse, convince, get off the hook, sell
Fire Walking: bonfires, leaping, showing off, torches
Gambling: card games, dice games, one-armed bandits, roulette
Gossip: misinformation, rumormongering, sifting for the truth
Haggling: advanced technology, art, automobiles, contracts, weapons
Indoctrination: electro-shock techniques, individual breakdown, mind-bending, repetition drills
Interrogation: bribes, good cop/bad cop, double-talk, implied questions, moral blackmail, subtle, threats, trickery
Intrigue: alliances, betrayals, feigning ignorance, gossiping, plotting, rumormongering, threats
Masquerade: breathing, hiccups, producing skin tone, simulating heartbeat, sneezing, warming one’s skin, while sleeping
Mimicry: accents, birds and animals, celebrities, mechanical sounds, vocal impersonation
Misdirection: concealment, confusion, feints, leading, theft
Negotiation: bullying, business, families, hostages, paranormal, politics, scams, trickery, wheedling
Networking: celebrities, contact info, favors, internet, politics, research, secrets, tickets, underworld
Newspeak: buzzwords, disinformation, malapropisms, neologic, slogans, spin control, techspeak
Panhandling: the rack, sob stories, targeting, yuppies
Pickpocket: chains, getaways, jewelry, pockets, purses, watches
Power-Brokering: blackmail, high finance, making friends, media, politics, schmoozing, underworld
Psychoanalysis: childhood, Ericksonian, Freudian, holistic, humanist, Jungian, neurosis, psychosis, research, self, sympathy, terminology, wiccan
Scan: assassins, keeping watch, listening, quick scan, smelling
Scrounging: art, chimerical items, illegal goods, magickal tomes, services, technical equipment, vehicles, weapons
Search: concealed doors, people, small objects, sounds, woodwork
Seduction: alluring looks, innuendo, opening lines, witty conversation
Sense Deception: courtroom, interviews, investigative, technical (polygraphs)
Swimming: distance, lifesaving, racing, sea, survival
Throwing: balls, frisbees, hunting, moving targets, rocks, target, a specific weapon
Ventriloquism: clarity, distance, dummy, inanimate object
Talents (Tertiary)
Drinking: binges, contests, prolonging sobriety, soirees, staying conscious
Flight: aerobatics, combat maneuvers, dive-bombing, high-altitude surveillance, tailing
Fortune-Telling: augury, crime-solving, death, elemental portents, entrails, i ching, joss sticks, palmistry, prophesy, romance, scrying, tarot, telephone psychic
Style: classic, ethnic, high fashion, retro, runway, sidhe wilders, street fashion
Skills (Primary)
Animal Ken: animal husbandry, cats, dogs, farm animals, horses, parrots, raptors, wild animals
Crafts: blacksmithing, candlemaking, carpentry, detail, engraving, evaluate, inscription, inventive, leatherworking, machinery, organization, pottery, sculpture, sewing, stonemasonry, swordsmithing, woodworking, working quickly, (see below)
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Drive: bad weather, construction vehicles, curves, evading pursuit, farm equipment, heavy traffic, ice, limos, motorcycles, off-road, race cars, stick shifts, stunts, sudden stops, tailing, trucks
Etiquette: business, compromise, correspondence, dining, foreign customs, formality, high society, negotiation, seduction, shen courts, soirees, street culture
Firearms: custom ammo, fast reload, handguns, heavy weapons, machine guns, quick draw, rifles, shoot-outs, shotguns, sniping, sprays, trick shots
Martial Arts: acrobatics, animal styles, chi-channeling, chops, counters, elbows, kicks, knees, leg sweeps, locks, pressure points, punches, sparring, throws
Meditation: biofeedback, centering, enduring elements, foci, mantras, mudras, new age, rage, relaxation, resisting hunger, staying motionless, tantric, transcendental, virtual reality, willpower, yogic, zen, any specific sense
Melee: axes, blunt objects, chains, clubs, disarms, knives, improvised, staff, swords
Performance: action films, enchant audience, evoke emotion, guitar solos, hardcore, juggling, religious awe, roleplay, storytelling, villains, while drunk, (see below)
Research: arcane collections, folklore, online data, oral traditions, any specific Knowledge
Security: burglar alarms, cat burglary, computer systems, design, electronics, fast, hot-wiring, hypertech, light-based systems, prisons, safe-cracking, speed, silently, tricks, vaults
Stealth: camouflage, city, concealment, crawling, crowds, floors, follow, hide, lurk, prowl, shadows, silent movement, wilderness
Survival: arctic, desert, foraging, hunting, jungle, marsh, scavenging, tracking, urban
Technology: appliances, automobiles, computers, electricity, electronics, engines, invention, magickal devices, security systems, transports, (see below)
Skills (Secondary)
Acrobatics: asai moonsault, balance beams, contortions, falling, flips, jump, martial arts, Olympic events, swing, tumble
Animal Training: barghests, dragons, familiars, hellhounds, snake charming, any specific kind of animal
Artillery: aiming, desert, forward observation, jungle, line-of-sight, night fighting, out-of-sight, radar, urban
When installing JtR from a distribution repository, you don’t just get an older version than the latest available release. How to install john the ripper on mac. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords.Most likely you do not need to install “John the Ripper” system-wide.Instead, after you extract the distribution archive and possibly compile the source code (see below), you may simply enter the “run” directory and invoke John from there. Most often the jumbo version is needed to get things such as cracking raw sha1 to work.Not all 2011+ Intel CPUs have AVX so even if having a CPU architecture released after Sandy Bridge, chosing the AVX system type when compiling might not be correct.At least for john-1.9.0 the./configure step is missing before make. “John the Ripper” – is a fast password cracker. Users will most likely get problems/error messages if installing JtR from repos (for example in Ubuntu).
Blind Fighting: dodging, dueling, indoors, multiple foes, punching
Camouflage: arctic, jungle, mountains, open country, urban, woods
Climbing: buildings, cluffs, free-climbing, hiking, ice, rappelling
Crafts (Blacksmith): armormaking, art, blademaking, cast iron, pattern-welding, spot-welding, toolmaking, wrought iron
Craft (Blood Preparation): easy-to-prepare meals, intoxicants, Kindred poisons, recognizing/analyzing tastes, spices
Craft (Body Alteration): arms, coloration, designs, moliation, piercings, splittings, vicissitude
Craft (Brewing/Distilling): beer, fairy brews, industrial alcohol, mead, moonshine, spirits, wine
Craft (Carpentry): construction, furniture, quality items, repairs
Craft (Chi-Shaping): fooling spirits, pure ephemera, a specific elemental manifestation, a particular context (color, texture variation, etc.)
Craft (Cooking): bread, Cajun, campside, Chinese, Chow, cordon bleu, desserts, French, Indian, Italian, pastries
Craft (Farming): barley, corn, cotton, exotic, fruits, green veggies, maintaining equipment, management, out-of-season products, rice, tobacco, traditional, wheat
Craft (Gardening): bonsai, bushes, flowers, inside plants, trees, wild fauna, zen gardens
Craft (Glassworking): artistic, cobalt, dishes, repair
Craft (Gunsmith): black powder weapons, field repair, invention, magnum/supercharged ammo, specialty ammo
Craft (Interior Decoration): architectural blending, feng shui, minimalism, neatness, new age
Craft (Jeweler): antique, appraisal, crystal, gems, gold, platinum, silver
Craft (Leatherworking): armor, clothing, riding tack, special-interest items, utensils
Craft (Origami): airplanes, animals, birds, boats, towers
Craft (Pottery): models, moldings, sculptures, vessels
Craft (Scribing): ancient languages, calligraphy, decorative techniques
Craft (Stewardship): bartending, cleaning, organization, paperwork, parties, porter
Craft (Stonemasonry): artistic, construction, digging, floor work, tiles
Craft (Taxidermy): embalming, preserving, tanning, techniques of Frankenstein, trophies, victims
Craft (Weaponsmith): arrows, blades, bows, flexible weapons, personalized, staffs
Disguise: conceal own identity, make-up, specific person, type of person, wigs
Energy Weapons: bounced shots, close combat, field modifications, heavy weapons, mass destruction, micro-G, repair, small arms, sniper
Falconry: attack/defend, display, exotic birds, history, hunting
Fishing: big game, fly-tying, ice fishing, live bait, net, rod & line, saltwater, spear, survival, whaling
Heavy Weapons: desert, friend from foe, gunship, jungle, loading, night fighting, urban battles
Helmsman: combat, crisis situations, long-range trips, navigation, near-ground operations
High Ritual: bacchanals, funerals, hermetic mysteries, outdoor festivals, religious ceremonies, weddings
Hunting: arctic, bush/scrub, bygones, coastal, desert, forest, jungle, mountain, predators
Jetpack: boot-jets, combat, deep universe, high speeds, micro-G, stunts
Lockpicking: alarm systems, combination locks, key-operated locks, mag-card locks
Microgravity Operations: combat, EVA, low-G, micro-G, tumbling, vacuum suit
Parachuting: display, escape, HALO, mass deployment, skydiving
Performance (Acting): comedy, faked emotions, impersonation, improvisation, mimicry, misdirection, religious awe, seduction, silver screen, stage, TV
Performance (Dancing): ballet, disco, ecstatic, ethnic, foxtrot, jazz, latin, modern, polka, show, swing, tribal, two-step, waltz
Performance (Instrumental): composition, orchestra, solos, any specific instrument
Performance (Singing): bawdy songs, chanting, church, easy listening, lyrics, musicals, pop, opera, ritual, rock
Scuba: cold water, deep-sea, recreational, reef
Skiing: cross-country, downhill, ski-jumping, snowboarding, stunts
Technology (Biotech): biomechanisms, cloning, cybernetics, floronics, genegineering, nanontech, radical modification, repair
Technology (Electronics): control systems, information systems, radio/TV
Technology (Hypertech): anarchtech, computers, earthbound vehicles, etherite theories, improvisation, microtech, netgear, repair, weaponsmith
Technology (Jury-Rig): bench thumping, found objects, high-tech, MacGuyver miracles, repairs, scraps
Technology (Mechanic): cars, domestic, electrical, inventions
Tightrope Walking: bicycle riding, distractions, phone lines, somersaults
Tracking: deer, identification, rock, urban, wolf
Traps: cages, deadfalls, nets, pits, snares, stakes, a specific species
Skills (Tertiary)
Archery: arched flight, combat, crossbows, forests, hunting, kyudo, moving targets, primitive, quick shot, slings, target
Boating: inflatable, kayaks, motorboats, naval battle, oared, paddle, rapids, sailboats, seamanship, storms
Demolitions: car bombs, detection, disarmament, dynamite, elementals, Forces effects, plastic explosive
Do: acrobatics, animal styles, chi-channeling, chops, counters, elbows, kicks, knees, leg sweeps, locks, pressure points, punches, subduing enemies, throws
Escapology: arm locks and holds, boxes, handcuffs, locks, magic tricks, ropes, showmanship, speed, underwater
Fast-Draw: arrow, knife, pistol, rifle, sap, shotgun, shuriken, sword
Fire Eating: breathing it back, extinguishing flames, flaming knives, “holding the heat”
Forgery: bonds and bills, documents, drawings, handwriting, paintings
Game Playing: acquire, checkers, chess, go, harpoon, mah jong, risk, stalingrad
Hypnotism: behavior modification, hypnotherapy, interrogation, past-life regression
Lip Reading: accents, drunks fast talkers, poor lighting, surreptitiously
Massage: acupressure, relaxation, physical therapy, sexual arousal
Photography: art, forensics, photojournalism, photolithography, portraits, X-ray
Pilot: autogyros, balloons, blimps, commercial/transport jets, corporate jets, dogfights, experimental, fighter jets, gliders, hang gliders, helicopters, hovercrafts, light planes, long distances, microlights, night flying, prop planes, takeoffs and landings, thermals, urban flight, vintage planes
Ride: bareback, bygones, camel, chimerical beasts, elephant, galloping, horse, jumping, mounted archery, mounted combat, mule, no hands, speed, tricks
Sleight of Hand: amuse, conceal item, produce item
Speed Reading: cramming, fiction, newspaper, research, technical
Torture: avoiding accidental death, devices, electricity, exotic methods, flagellation, intimidation, Life magick, mental torment, mind games, no marks, pain by proxy, pins & needles, prolonging life, psychological, razor blades, raw brutality, sheer agony, soul-flaying, tools
Academics: education, grammar, history, mathematics, philosophy, theology, (see below)
Computer: coding, data shredding, design, graphics, hacking, hardware, retrieving data, surfing, virus programs
Cosmology: astral travel, byways, celestines, deep dreaming, deep umbra, denizens, dragon (ley) lines, horizon, incarna, the labyrinth, navigation, near dreaming, near umbra, realms, shadowlands, tempest, trods, weird shit
Culture: politics, religion, taboos, any specific societal group (“ghetto”, yuppie, bushmen, Traditions, Camarilla, etc.)
Enigmas: ancient, crime mysteries, koans, life, riddles, satori, twisted plots, verbal, visual, wordplay
Investigation: collecting evidence, criminal minds, detective work, document research, forensics, locate informant, prowl, search, serial killers, tail
Law: bending the rules, courts, contract, copyright, corporate, criminal, customs, defense, divorce, federal agencies, international agencies, jurisdictions, law offices, litigation, local beat, occult crimes, police procedure, prosecution, punishments, real estate, tax codes, any specific supernatural society (Technocracy, faeries, Sabbat, etc.)
Linguistics: curse words, diplomatic, “dead tongues”, epithets, perfect accent, political, romance, reading ancient texts, simultaneous translation, technical, theatrical
Medicine: acupuncture, bedside manner, childbirth, disease, emergency care, herbal, holistic, homeopathy, paramedics, pharmaceutical, physical therapy, poison treatment, psychiatry, surgery, traditional, any specialized field (neurology, oncology, pediatrics, etc.)
Metaphysics: alchemy, astrology, divination, eschatology, gematria, herbalism, numerology, sacred geometry, sacred tongues, thanatology, (see below)
Occult: angelology, cults, curses, fairies, famous researchers, folk magic, ghosts, new agism, predictions, qaballah, Satanism, spells, talismans, vampires, witches
Politics: bluffing, bribery, bureaucracy, bypassing the system, city, coalition building, congress, delay, diplomatic, dogma, elections, grass-roots, heraldry, international, intrigue, national, negotiation, neighborhood, nihilism, oration, radical, realpolitik, shen courts
Science: astronomy, biology, botany, chemistry, engineering, metallurgy, nuclear physics, physics, practical applications, relativity, theoretical, (see below)
Knowledge (Secondary)
Academics (Accounting): governmental, large corporation, small business, taxes
Academics (Architecture): gothic, houses, office buildings, public works
Academics (Business): advertising, bookwork, competition, personnel, tax cuts, visionary
Academics (Classics): Chronicles of the Monkey King, Confucius, Homer, Lo Shu, Tao Te Hsien, Yomi tomes
Academics (Economics): international, laissez-faire, private sector, public sector, stock markets, taxes
Academics (Ethnology): adaptability, economic dynamics, environmental changes, legal evolution
Academics (Finance): accounting, black markets, bonds, buyouts, corporations, currency, fencing, futures, investments, international trade, laws, litigation, secrets, stock markets, takeovers
Academics (Fine Arts): American, classical, ethnographic, impressionists, masters, primitive, Renaissance
Academics (Heraldry): mercantile, modern, a specific nation, a specific period
Academics (History): Africa, Americas, artistic, Asia, Australia, classical, economic, European, intellectual, medieval, modern, political, renaissance, social, technological
Academics (Literature): American, Asian, classical, drama, English, European, Islamic, medieval, novels, poetry, short stories, a specific genre
Academics (Logic): computer applications, philosophy, puzzles
Academics (Mythology): afterlife, Celtic, cosmologies, creation myths, eschatologies, Greek, Native American, Norse, Persian, soteriologies
Academics (Paleography): bibliography, diplomatics, epigraphy, sigillography
Academics (Philosophy): Aristotle, astika, empiricism, ethics, existentialism, idealism, legalism, Marxism, Nietzsche, nihilism, perceptions, Platonian, rationalism, Socratean, Taoism, utilitarianism, Zen
Academics (Theology): agnosticism, animism, Branch Davidian, Buddhism, Christianity, comparative, deism, Hinduism, Judaism, liberation, Muslim, syncretionism, theaology
Computer Hacking: data retrieval, magickal protections, networking, telecommunications, viruses
Covert Culture: agency heads, black bag ops, current status, gossip, investigations, operations, organization, “paraintelligence”, personnel, secret societies, special projects, tactics
First Aid: artificial respiration, broken bones, CPR, diagnosis, Heimlich maneuver, terminology
Media: advertising, blackmail, celebrity endorsements, conspiracy, elections, entertainment, foreign markets, internet, international, leverage, local news, manufacturing consent, military, movies, multi-media, politics, regulations, scandals, sex, smear campaigns, spin control, subliminals, total fiction, TV
Police Procedure: APBs, autopsies, detectives, reports, rights
Science (Anthropology): ancient, physical, social, theoretical, a specific culture
Science (Archaeology): Central America, classical, Egyptian, excavation, paleoecology, paleopathology, prehistoric Europe, underwater archeology
Science (Astronomy): big bang theory, black holes, dark matter, galaxies, nebulae, novas, planets, quasars, extrasolar systems
Science (Biology): botany, microbiology, paleontology, zoology
Science (Chemistry): analysis, biochemistry, inorganic, molecular, organic, safety
Science (Criminology): criminal psychology, Jack the Ripper, serial killings, unsolved crimes
Science (Cryptography): ancient styles, black ops, decryption, letter shifts, mathematical encryption, military secrecy, morse code, mystical codes, obscure character sets, secret languages, software encryption, weird logic
Science (Ecology): biosphere management, climate change, endangered species, global warming, rainforests
Science (Engineering): air, automotive, domestic, invention, maintenance/repair, marine
Science (Forensics): ballistics, fingerprints, pathology, scene of crime
Science (Genetics): biochemistry, cloning, defects, diseases, genegineering, microbiology
Science (Geology): engineering, geomorphology, paleontology, petrology, prospecting, volcanology
Science (Mathematics): calculus, imaginary numbers, mechanics, pure mathematics, statistics, syntax
Science (Metallurgy): copper alloys, conductions, experimental, high-stress alloys, iron, steel
Science (Meteorology): local area, predictions, theoretical, TV
Science (Naturalism): arctic, coastal, desert, forest, jungle, mountains, plains
Science (Parapsychology): hauntings, ley lines, psychic powers
Science (Pharmacopoeia): herbal meds, hypermeds, magical brews, mundane meds, psychoactives, street drugs
Science (Physics): aerodynamics, applied, astrophysics, electronics, hydrodynamics, kinetics, mechanics, nuclear, optics, thermodynamics, theoretical
Science (Plague-Breeding): African strains, black death, biological warfare, mass devastation
Science (Psychology): animals, applied theories, behaviorism, children, cognitive, developmental, dreams, experimental, Freudian, Jungian, humanist, psychiatry, questioning
Science (Sociology): corporate applications, deviance, dialectical materialism, gender roles, globalization, labeling, postmodernism, social evolution, stratification
Science (Toxicology): analysis, antidotes, chemical poisons, instant poisons, magical, plant-based poisons, slow-build poisons, undetectable poisons, venoms, Yomi toxins
Secret Code Language: chapter & verse, graffiti, hung society, language of flowers, ninja hand signs
Terrorism: “celebrities”, domestic terror, ideology, Islamic, kidnapping, networks, secrets, sponsors, tactics, weapons
Vice: bars, blackmail, bribery, drugs, forbidden thrills, gambling, important players, nightclubs, parties, sex, strip clubs
Knowledge (Tertiary)
Area Knowledge: dragon nests, enemies, geography, history, laws, politics, territories, transportation, wildlife
City Secrets: alliances, betrayals, chantries, constructs, Elysiums, freeholds, gossip, haunts, havens, hidden power-players, oversight, problems, protocol, rivalries, sanctums
Conspiracy Theory: aliens, Ascension War factions, assassinations, cults, Elvis sightings, government cover-ups, hoaxes, Illuminati, media exposures, roleplaying games, Satanic underground, supernatural creatures
Military Science: large-scale, modern, one-on-one, phalanx, sabbat, sieges, technocratic
Navigation: aerial navigation, cross-country treks, fast fades, getaways, maritime navigation
True Names: anatomy, animals, demons, elementals, individual beings, lords/incarna, minions/gafflings, mythic creatures, paradox spirits, preceptors/jagglings, umbral courtiers